Business Trip


November 2024 : Tokyo Saturday Seminar on Mathematical Physics (Rikkyo university, Tokyo).

October 2024 : Tokyo Saturday Seminar on Mathematical Physics (Rikkyo university, Tokyo).

September 2024 : Mathematical Physics Meeting (Zoom, Belgrade, Serbia).


July 2023 : Workshop: Lie theory and its application in physics (Varna, Bulgaria)


March 2022 : Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan (Zoom, Saitama university, Japan). Abstract(Japanese) Presentation(Japanese)


September 2020 : Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan (Zoom, Chiba university, Japan).

April 2020 : Infinite analysis seminar Tokyo (Zoom, University of Tokyo, Japan)


November 2020 : Aizu high-school, Japan.


September 2019 : Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan (Kanazawa university, Japan).


7-16 July.2018 : The 32nd International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Prague, Czech Republic.


17-24 Sep.2017 : 8-th Mathematical Physics Meeting, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

17-27 June 2017: 12-th International Workshop "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics", Bulgaria. Presentation

13-20 March 2017: University of Lyon, France.

6-12 March 2017: University of Leeds, Great Britain.


3-15 Sep.2016 : University of Tours, France.

15 June 2016 : Fukushima-Nishi High School, Japan. (visiting lecture)

18-19 March 2016 : Tsukuba University, Ibaragi, Japan.


19 Dec.- 20 Dec. 2015 : Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

11 Dec. 2015 : Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

12-27 Sep. 2015 : University of Tours, France.

24 April 2015 : Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.


14-22 Nov. 2014 : Kyoto, Japan Mini-Workshop 2014 organized by Kojima and Tsujimoto, Kyoto University.

28 Aug.- 3 Sep. 2014 : 8-th Mathematical Physics Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia.


29 Aug.- 4 Sep. 2013 : Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

17-24 June 2013 : X. International Workshop Lie Theory and its Application in Physics (LT-10), Varna, Bulgaria.

10-16 June 2013 : XXIst International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-21), Prague, Czech.

1-31 Mar. 2013 : University of Tours, France.

11-14 Feb. 2013 : Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan.

5-6 Jan. 2013 : Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.


4-5 Dec. 2012 : Akita International University, Akita, Japan. (administrative job)

9-15 Sep. 2012 : 7-th Mathematical Physics Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia.

2-8 Sep. 2012 : 2-th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Science, Budapest, Hungary.

24-30 June 2012 : 6-th World Congress for Nonlinear Analysts, Greece.

2-4 March 2012 : Workshop of Integrable Systems and Representation Theory, Tohoku University, Japan.


30 Sep.-1 Oct. 2011: Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan, Shinshu University, Japan.

16 Sep.-28 Sep. 2011: University of Tours, France. seminaire

28 Aug.- 30 Aug. 2011 : Workshop of Mathematical Physics and Representation Theory, Hiroshima University, Japan.

2 July- 3 July 2011 : Workshop "Integrable Systems"(dedicated to 60th birthday of Professor Etsuro Date), Osaka University, Japan. pdf(talk) , photo
19 June- 28 June 2011 : IX. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS, Varna, Bulgaria . photo


15 Sep.- 23 Sep. 2010 : 6th MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS MEETING, Belgrade, Serbia.

25 July -31 July 2010 : Group Theoretical Method in Physics 2010, New-Castle, England.

9 June -15 June 2010 : Symmetry plus Integrability 2010, Texas, USA.